Sunday 01 June 2008 - a dove flew into the sitting room window and sat dazed on the lawn before fluttering off beneath the hedge. I asked if it was OK, but it just looked at me. An hour later it was gone. I assume it was OK...
Monday 02 June 2008 - the container arrived...
There is an organisation of free exhibitions currently happening across Suffolk...
Media Caught Lying...
Friday 06 June 2008 - attended a friend's birthday party in London last night and took the A6 National Express back to the countryside. Victoria Station was locked up at 01.00hr this morning and I had to find a clump of bushes in which to climb and take a pee. What a sad state of affairs when a national coach station in London cannot remain open for 24 hours in order for passengers to access toilet facilities. Arrived at Thetford via Stansted 06.50hr and by 10.00hr was attending the Jobs Fair 08 at The Corn Hall, Diss. This was a Diss Express/ event and intended as a chance to meet local employers face to face and discuss career opportunities. It was not as busy as I might have hoped and the range of jobs dare I say limited. I must be careful about my comments since I want The Diss Express to cover my forth coming exhibition. Later this evening I listened to Any Questions on BBC Radio 4 and to the shadow Chancellor George Osbourne being interviewed. He just would not give a straight answer and frankly I doubt he has an answer let alone a solution. The economy is heading for a big downfall, petrol prices are going to get higher and oil now $139 per barrel.
Saturday 07 June 2008 - videos sent to the Ron Paul Meet-Up UK Group by Andrew "Ampers" Taylor
Ron Paul Opening Statement to Iraq Lawmakers (1/2)...
Ron Paul Questions Iraq Lawmakers (2/2)...
Sunday 08 June 2008 - just noticed this from the Financial Times...
What happened to building 7?,s01=1.html?nclick_check=1
This is an amazing article if you have followed this 9/11 issue. Some one from the Ron Paul Meet Up group sent this which is apt...
WTC7 -- This is an Orange
Sunday 08 June 2008 - I've recently applied for a BT FastTrack Leadership Programme job. Their recruitment agency requested I submit an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form stating my age, ethnic origin, any disability, gender, nationality, religion/belief and sexual orientation whether heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, other or prefer not to say. Apparently, 'the information provided will be used to monitor the recruitment process only and will not be included in the selection process or affect the outcome of your application in any way'. Not being used to the formal employment sector, I find this most bizarre and frankly, none of their business. Today I received an e-mail that 'Having carefully considered your application we regret to inform you that we will not be progressing your application further.'
Oh well, on with the bike plan!
Dieter, Sven and Kai popped by. Kai took this shot in Bury St. Edmunds. Think I'll use it for my forthcoming exhibition...
From 6/09/08: Ron Paul - Future of Freedom Foundation
Thursday 12 June 2008 - Arizona's State Senator Karen Johnson leads the way...The UK parliament's 42 day act is directly related to this allegation that the 9/11 official story is inaccurate. We must at least all take a second look and ask others to do the same. Something's not right and as a follower of the Ron Paul story, I know the mainstream does not reflect the whole truth...
Friday 13 June 2008 - New Democratic Party Deputy House Leader Libby Davies delivers a Parliamentary Petition signed by over 500 Canadians demanding a new 9/11 investigation, in Canada's House of Commons during Routine Proceedings at 1:10 pm on June 10, 2008...
Visited The BSE Job centre this morning. For the record, no 'benefit' has been received and so far this process has cost me money. I presented my interviewer with a leaflet about my 'Cycling for work'. So far all an interesting experience.
Bought a take-out tall Latte at Starbucks. £2.05, same price as 'eating in'. Used the toilet. Not clean and no means of drying my hands.
Popped into Moyes Hall where Alex was most informative about execution and torture methods. I intend to return for a proper look
Went to London on a National Express coach. At London Victoria about 5.30pm spent some time queuing at a ticket machine which would be very complicated for foreigners to understand. I collected 2 free newspapers: and presenting adverts, celebrity news and a little bit of 'serious' news which amounts to repeated stories already doing the rounds. This makes for a lazy public and lazy journalism. I also spent 50p on The London Evening Standard which at least presents more news content and appears to be the same company as This Is London. I found Brian Sewell's column The Life of Brian plus his scathing review of the BP Portrait Awards 2008
Here's his archive...
Otherwise attended a birthday party and saw my Godson. I created a face from magnetic words on his parents' fridge...
Monday 16 June 2008 - Water powered cars are already here; you have to sit through a tedious HSBC advert, but then the car news comes...
Here's a free energy magnetic motor...
Wednesday 18 June 2008 - notes for the day: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hope of its children." President Dwight D. Eisenhower...
Lawmaker takes 9/11 doubts global...
Personal experience with friends and family regarding health and our health system have encouraged me to become increasingly interested in what should be done to address the issue. This article via a mainstream outlets Reuters and msnbc is interesting...
Healthy lifestyle triggers genetic changes: study
Met local Reverend David Messer today...and guess what, he's a Gooner! Noting a website:
Here's a topical issue: David Davis for Freedom; not dissimilar to the Ron Paul message...
My exhibition poster featuring the Albert Munroe image is pinned to the village hall...
Thursday 19 June 2008 - Extraordinary interview with former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel endorsing a NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative...
News item about a school child being given a sentence of 38 years because he hacked the school computer to upgrade his exam result. What is even more worrying, is no one seems to care...
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My diary back in Blighty 03