Tuesday 01 July 2008 - Police Sargent Claire Mowson came to visit. I briefed her on the exhibition. She was most courteous, attentive and supportive.
Wednesday 02 July 2008 - Adam from the EDP called. Due to visit tomorrow. A statement written by Congressman Ron Paul about the pending financial disaster...
I have been following reports about impending economic troubles and few people that I know are taking it seriously. The other bizarre point of note is the increasing amount of UFO reports. Of course, such matters one hardly dares bring up in polite society because even friends and family will conclude one is being a bit 'out there'. However, the reports appear to be increasing.
The up-coming exhibition is mentioned in...
Coney Weston, Istanbul & Back? Yeah! 14-20 July at Coney Weston Village Hall After 10 years based in Istanbul, English artist Ned Pamphilon returns home to exhibit at his local village hall.
...and http://www.onesuffolk.co.uk/ConeyWeston/Whatson/
It's a change from the Grand Bazaar and Istanbul. It's a new start!
Wednesday 02 July 2008 - Adam from the EDP and his photographer colleagues...
A beautiful sky shot...
Friday 04 July 2008 - 'Albert Munroe' is inside front page of the BFP Lifestyle Magazine, plus (it was) listed on the website...
(now gone)
Cycled to Garboldisham via Hopton. Here's Market Weston church...
Saturday 05 July 2008 - 100 year anniversary celebrations at The Swan...
Sunday 06 July 2008 - the BBC will tonight broadcast a poorly researched programme proposing 9/11 was as the official story. As an antidote here are a couple of links...
Wednesday 09 July 2008 - yesterday continues the cycling visiting Rushford as far as Shadwell Stud and back. On Tuesday I walked to Market Weston Mill Inn and back. Saw wonderful rainbows in the sky; wish I'd had my camera. Up in Hull the 'Big Brother-David Davis' bi-election continues. It was interesting to note one of the candidates David Icke from barred from entering a 'public' meeting chaired by David Davis and Sir Bob Geldof; despite Mr. Icke having a ticket. What is it they are so scared about? There are plenty of fringe thinkers, but that's not an excuse to prevent the man from attending a public meeting. So, I'm posting Mr. Icke's public meeting...
The same presentation on Google...
I'm taking Albert Munroe on the bus to Bury St. Edmunds today. I phoned the Bury Free Press yesterday to inform them. Had an interesting chat with my cameraman regarding release forms when when filming the public; I'll talk about this later...
Well, it rained and I was moved from under Abbey Gate by PC Paul Fox. It wasn't his fault. He was merely carrying out orders issued by silly busy-bodies from the Abbey Gardens and St. Edmundsbury Council. Apparently, I was giving out leaflets within Abbey Garden grounds without authorisation. Hang me!

My plan had been to stand at the bottom of Angel Hill directly opposite Abbey Gate Street, in order that people coming down the street would view my painting from far away as possible and experience the full optical effect. However, because of the endless rain, I was forced to seek cover under the arch of the Abbey Gate; not the ideal eye-line with Abbey Gate Street. The entrance was not particularly busy, yet passers-by seemed to welcome a painting experience on such a miserable afternoon.

PC Paul Fox visited me. He had his instructions and I did not wish to make unnecessary work for him; though an arrest would have been great for PR and I confess, I was sorely tempted to insist upon arrest. He took some of my A4 Posters to display in the council offices and the police station and said he would visit my exhibition. He was polite, we had a friendly exchange and thus far back in the UK my personal experience of the local police has been only friendly and supportive. I requested an official record of my being asked to move on; shown above. Section B states action was taken because I was 'Giving out leaflets in Abbey Gardens'. Perhaps it should have warranted a 42 day detention! I must add, the go-between Abbey Gardens employee whom I will avoid naming, was also very friendly, apologised for her boss' request that I be moved on and also took a leaflet and intends to visit my exhibition.
To those rather small minded bureaucrats at Abbey Gardens and the Bury St. Edmundsbury Council who did not have the front to see me themselves and instead sent some one else to do their tedious little busy-body work, thank you! It's great to be home! I stood outside in the rain for 3-4 hours and endless passers by, from schoolchildren to OAP's, took leaflets, asked why I was standing in the rain and I explained: because the Abbey Gardens and St. Edmundsbury Council insisted I did not have authorisation to give out leaflets under cover of the gate. It makes a nice little story and reminds me how authorities are infected with bored little people who love to inflict upon us their boring little rules and regulations. As I type, US spokespersons are giving their latest reasons on BBC Radio 4 as to why an attack on Iran will be justified and no doubt our petrol prices, economy and civil liberties at home will suffer as a result. Oh for a sense of perspective. Perhaps I should wear an apron and practise a funny handshake to make friends in St. Edmundsbury?!
John was on hand to film footage. Unfortunately, he left before PC Fox arrived, but we did secure a sound recording of the initial request that I move on.
Tomorrow, Thursday, the so called 'Big Brother' bi-election is due to take place in the Hull area. It has already been suggested to me that in each region of the UK the police have designated power to private sector firms and selected traffic wardens on future community policing powers: they will be Civil Enforcement Officers and have been issued with PACE cards and authorisation to enter private homes if and when required. Why stop at traffic wardens when there are persons at the Abbey Garden and peering out from St. Edmundsbury Council office windows yearning for such responsibilities?!
Let's also bare in mind David Davis' supporters and cohorts include Kevin Bell, vice-president of Fleishman-Hillard, a global public relations firm representing security companies that have introduced ID cards in the United States and Spain and Patrick Mercer, who is a consultant to private security firms such as Blue Hackle; the Hart Group; Saladin; and been funded to go on 'fact-finding' trips to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let's also remember 'Al-Qaida' is a word devised by the CIA meaning 'data-base'.
Thursday 10 July 2008 - spent the afternoon with 88 year old Witold Kasicki, survivor of 5 concentration camps. We plan to do it again. I'd like to film him.
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My diary back in Blighy 06