and more generally from The story so far 15 22.04.2008
I am so tired of wars, killing, nastiness and everyday negative stuff. I believe among the biggest and most important story today is the energy factor - I guess that means the petro-chemical industry. If we had access to free energy it would change all our lives and allow us to take stock of who we are, where we are and what we do everyday. Imagine not having to go to work 9-5, 5-6 days a week? This may be more of a possibility in our life times than you might at first believe.
At the very least you can all have a bit of fun at my hilarious propositions while I re-generate a profile and business back in the UK selling my paintings, artworks and ideas. At the most we might all realise a better way of life. From where I sit, I see a win-win situation: dreams are what the real stuff's made of!
Tuesday 13 May 2008 - Kerem sent me a link from Turkiye about a project called "Heart Bridge" which aims to take 100,000 children to different cities across the 7 regions of Turkiye to further cross-cultural understanding. Families are asked to accompany children in their city at the end of their five day trips...
Friday 16 May 2008 - met Roy at the local coach stop this morning. He was helpful and friendly. Met Victoria at Compass Point Recruitment. Like Darren a couple of days ago, she was also welcoming and helpful. They turn out to both be ex-Thurston Upper. I truly have returned to my roots.
I also visited Right Spec Recruitment Ltd. which was just bizarre; I just didn't seem able to properly communicate with the representative in the office. I then wandered into Bury St. Edmunds Corn Exchange. The event was part of the BSE Festival. The large hall was busy with tables and people, but the atmosphere somehow subdued...
I later discovered the singer with the jazz combo was Sophie Garner. It seemed to be a tough gig performing in a large space in daylight at 1-2pm...
I went to Stephen Walton Fine Art who has checked my blog, but I am unfortunately 'not his thing'. Nevermind.
However, Mick's Cycles in St. John's Street was a huge step in the right direction.
Mick's Cycles
68-69 St. John's Street
Bury St. Edmunds IP33 1SJ
Tel: 01284 753946
I met Jessie who informed me how she celebrated her 64th birthday in Icemler, Turkiye where she also experienced her first ever earthquake and slept outside for 3 nights. I know the feeling Jessie! I must say, she seemed rather excited by the memory. I bought a second-hand bike for £35; fantastic purchase...
On the 338 service coach home I met young Josh whom I've known for several years and what breath of fresh air he was.
Saturday 17 May 2008 - Popped by Stanton Hillcrest Nurseries which is a much more enjoyable experience than the big supermarkets, so giving them a plug: go to this homepage and click on Hillcrest Nursery...
Sunday 18 May 2008 - I have a crazy idea to hold an exhibition at the local village hall. Hardly The Tate Modern, but a fun idea to bring international art to the local villagers. I checked out the space with Peter from the village hall committee...
Tuesday 20 May 2008 - found this on the internet, Jesse Ventura's Minnesota Homecoming, and as he says, the most useful tool today for the general public is the internet and so watch out when the 'authorities' start to censor it...
Visited Nick at Knettishall Church. He demonstrated the Ley lines around his church building with a pair of metal dowsing rods. Fascinating. I must film this when the camera arrives.
Look at these Lenticular clouds, technically known as altocumulus standing lenticularis: stationary lens-shaped clouds that form at high altitudes, normally aligned at right-angles to the wind direction. They have been mistaken for UFOs (or "visual cover" for UFOs) because these clouds have a characteristic lens appearance and smooth saucer-like shape...
Thursday 22 May 2008 - Another 9/11 story, this time from The Pakistan Daily...
Spoke to Brian Sewell who always cheers me up no end. He commented on my 'irrepressible cheekiness' and informed me it is an up coming Bank Holiday weekend; I rarely keep track of such dates. He suggested Bury St Edmunds Theatre as an exhibiting space; bemoaned the abortion debate and why don't women just take the morning after pill? He is a car enthusiast and bemoaned petrol prices; we discussed income tax and when I told him about Ron Paul wanting to abolish the IRS, Brian said 'sounds like a man after my own heart'. He also relayed a story about his army days and playing hooker in the rugger team. The conclusion was do not be slow in pushing yourself forward; he was brought up not to be pushy and he wished he had been pushy from the start. Indeed, he was sentenced to dog house duty for 7 days for not telling his commanding officer he was good at rugger when the officer had previously asked him what was he good at? He said that was among his first lessons in life.
Friday 23 May 2008 - some trial PR shots outside the local village hall, photos by Neil on his i-phone. Neil supports the 'on yer bike' concept: cycling can induce the release of endorphins (neurotransmitters produced in the brain that reduce pain) and basically make you feel happy...

Monday 27 May 2008 - from Egemen Bagis' latest Agenda newsletter...
Egemen Bagis, AK Party Vice Chairman states:
"The most Kemalist party of Turkey is the AK Party."
Well, Kemalist, Communist, Fascist, Islamist, thisist, thatist, whateverist, but to claim the AKP are Kemalist is simply ridiculous.
Tuesday 27 May 2008 - everyday there are stories in the media about global warming and the tax credit plans the government want to implement. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not buy their theories and urge you to write to your local MP and peacefully protest; in our case inform Mr. Richard Spring and ask that he raise the matter in parliament…
Tell your MP, for example, 31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda...
This article appeared in The Turkish Daily News...
Private support needed for Istanbul 2010
I've sent an open memo to The Turkish Daily News...
Of course they will not take any notice, but one can only try.
At the local PO this morning, while collecting the newspaper, I over heard one chap say to a woman: "Hows yer darg gel?", which translated means "How is your dog girl?" which is an enquiry after the lady's dog. Made me laugh to myself as I peddled back on my bike and enjoyed a further endorphin release.
Received a package from Nationwide Building Society. I closed my HSBC NPP business account because they charge me every time I thought about it, plus the endless paperwork drove me crazy. Now Nationwide have sent me this 'card reader'...
Wednesday 28 May 2008 -
Visited a local asparagus producer this morning. I love it: seasonal, fresh and makes your pee smell differently which makes a change from the normal routine. This is Rushford Hall Farm and the girls and boys preparing the asparagus...
We cut the stalk tips off for freezing, steam it, add some butter, salt and pepper and wow! Smelly wee-wee. The kids'll love it. The tips can be used to make asparagus Green Pee Soup for the winter - so you can experience smelly wee-wee in the winter too!
Friday 30 May 2008 - BBC Radio 4 tells us PM Macmillan repressed disease-smoking related information because he wanted to maintain the income tax generated by smoking customers. They also aired a story about the 'perfect voice'. Interesting because a calm and well paced voice is something I could more benefit from; I have a tendency toward being too empassioned. Brian gave me a quote for my 'on yer bike' leaflet:
“The most obstinately provocative painter I know.”
I think that's a supportive message - isn't it? Well, it's going on the leaflet. I mentioned I may work with asparagus for £6/hour. He says he's allergic to that particular grass. I suggested that grasses and apricot stones contained anti-cancer properties. He replied that I may well be right. I have been researching disease issues and found information I would like to see addressed by the mainstream. Unfortunately, it is so difficult to discuss this with friends and family since they always assume the doctors know best; perhaps they do. Unfortunately, I observe the medical industry dishing out drugs and advice that do not always make people well. Here's an interesting alternative example...
Saturday 31 May 2008 - today I agreed to move paintings into the village hall Friday 11th until Sunday 20 July. Good. Thank you Peter, Reg and Mary.
Go to My diary back in Blighty 02